Best Houseplants to have with Pets

Do you have pets or small children? You might be wondering what non-toxic houseplants you can add to your home while not putting them in any danger of ingesting something poisonous? Well, no need to fret we’re going to give you a long list of non-toxic houseplants to choose from that will bring joy to your life while keeping everyone safe.
My sister and I have three dogs and one cat between us. We were both interested to find out which plants were pet safe. I did a lot of research to find the most interesting non-toxic houseplants.

There are so many reasons why adding plants to your home environment is a good idea. They improve the air quality, add interest and beauty to your home, lower stress, improve your mental health and are guaranteed to make you way happier! Ok so that last one isn’t backed by any research but we find it’s true for us.
Luckily there are many non-toxic houseplants that are safe for your curious pets. You won’t have to compromise your planty style or taste as there are many different kinds of plants to choose from. Let us know in the comments which pet-safe house
Spider Plant
Prefer bright indirect light, but will easily tolerate lower-light environments.
Spider plants prefer to dry out between waterings. Make sure to not let the soil become soggy as this can quickly lead to root rot.
Planty Tip:
Make sure to get yourself a pretty plant hanger to display the gorgeous spider pups that will grow from your mother plant.
Get your Spider plant here.
Maranta – Prayer Plant
Prefers Bright Indirect Light, but grows well in lower light situations as well.
Prayer plants love moist, never soggy, soil. Don’t let your prayer plant dry out between waterings.
Planty Tip:
Prayer plants love humidity. Make sure to have a mister nearby you can spray your plant with daily.
Get your Prayer plant here.
Pilea involucrata – Moon Valley Plant
Moderate to low light tolerant.
The friendship plant prefers to have continuously moist soil. Don’t let it dry out completely in-between waterings but also don’t overwater to the point where the soil is soggy.
Planty Tip:
I’ve have killed this plant multiple times. I keep coming back for more because that leaf texture is so unique I just love it! A must-have for this plant is humidity! Make sure to have a humidifier nearby to keep it happy and lush.
Get your Moon Valley plant here.
Hoya Carnosa – Wax Plant
Medium to bright indirect light. Can easily tolerate lower light settings but you’ll be missing out on the blooms that make this plant famous.
Water Hoya’s sparingly, they prefer to dry out completely between waterings.
Planty Tip:
This plant blooms super unique and fragrant flowers under the right conditions. Give it bright light, higher humidity, and some indoor plant food to encourage your Hoya to bloom.
Get your Hoya plant here.
Bird’s Nest Fern
Bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light as well.
Prefers to always have moist, not soggy, soil. Make sure to water around the outside of the plant and not the middle to prevent the middle from rotting.
Planty Tip:
Try keeping this plant in your bathroom. It will love the extra humidity of that room. Don’t have space? Add a humidifier to any room to keep this plant extra happy.
Get your Bird’s Nest Fern here.
Aspidistra Elatior – Cast Iron Plant
Thrives in bright indirect light to low light conditions.
Allow your Cast Iron plant to dry out between waterings.
Planty Tip:
As the name alludes to this plant is known for its ability to thrive in many different environments. It can put up with a lot of irregularity and neglect. Show it some extra love with a gorgeous planter!
Get your Cast Iron plant here.
Ponytail Palm
Grows best in bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium to lower light settings.
The Ponytail Palm stores water in its super thick trunk so it makes a perfect plant for a world traveler or someone who may tend to forget watering. Let the soil dry out between waterings.
Planty Tips:
Grab yourself an urn planter and let the long skinny leaves hang down.
Get your Ponytail Palm here.
Fittonia – Nerve Plant
Thrives in medium to low light settings.
Moist not soggy soil. This plant tends to be a little dramatic when it’s thirsty. Don’t stress if you come home to a plant that looks dead. Simply give it a drink and check back to see it back to its regular self.
Planty Tip:
Make sure to have a humidifier nearby, or even keep it in an adorable terrarium with other plants to keep the humidity up.
Get your Nerve plant here.
Boston Fern
Bright indirect light.
Don’t let a Boston Fern dry out completely or it will start to die rapidly. Keep the soil moist.
Planty Tip:
Keep a humidifier nearby to keep this plant happy. We love the look of a Boston Fern’s fronds hanging down, check out this cute hanging planter.
Get your Boston Fern here.
Peperomia Obtusifolia – Baby Rubber Plant
Provide bright light, otherwise, you might lose the beautiful variegation on your plant.
Allow the soil of your peperomia to dry out between watering, then water thoroughly.
Planty Tip:
Use a mister to keep this humidity loving plant happy during the drier months.
Get your Baby Rubber plant here.
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palms love bright indirect light.
Keep this palms soil moist but don’t allow the soil to be soggy. Allow the soil to dry out a little more during the wintertime.
Planty Tip:
Bamboo palms prefer to be a little root bound so make sure to pick a stylish planter from the start as it will be there for a while.
Get your Bamboo Palm here.
Calathea Orbifolia Plant
Does best in medium to low light.
It needs to be kept moist but not soggy. It is not very forgiving when you forget to water.
Planty Tip:
This plant thrives on humidity. If you have low humidity levels in your home a humidifier is a must to keep this beauty happy.
Get your Calathea plant here.
Pilea Peperomiodes Plant
Bright indirect light.
Allow to dry out a little in-between watering. If you see dropping/dropping leaves you have waited a little too long.
Planty Tip:
Make sure to have a cute propagation station on hand for all those pups your Pilea will be giving you.
Get your Pilea plant here.
Christmas Cactus Plant
The Christmas cactus does well with moderate light.
Keep soil evenly moist. It’s a good idea to mist the plant regularly while it’s blooming as well.
Planty Tip:
After this plant blooms make sure to re-pot it. To encourage another round of blooms. To encourage a Christmas cactus to flower lower the temperature and keep the plant in complete darkness for 14 hours a day. Once you see buds appear on the plant return it to regular conditions.
Get your Christmas Cactus plant here.
We hope this gives you some great ideas on plants to add to your home that you won’t have to worry about with your pets or children. Let us know in the comments below which one you’re going to add to your plant collection! Happy plant shopping! Check out of favorite plants to learn more houseplant care tips, and don’t forget to subscribe!
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