The Easiest Houseplant with the Prettiest Leaves
Looking for a plant that will thrive even with your crazy busy life? Well, this month we’re featuring the perfect plant for you! While its laid back when it comes to light, water, and humidity that doesn’t mean it compromises on design! It comes in so many different varieties, colors, light requirements and rarities. I just know there’s one out there that you’ll fall in love with.
In this post, we’re going to dive into the care requirements of some of the easy to find varieties. This simple guide will give you all the knowledge necessary to care for this stunning houseplant.
Introducing… The Chinese Evergreen
Winner of the most striking leaves on a beginner plant (awarded by us)
Plant Level: Beginner
Cost: $10-$30
Chinese Evergreen
The Chinese Evergreen, also known as the Aglaonema, originates from the subtropical regions of Southeast Asia. With over 20 different varieties of Aglaonema, there’s plenty of options. There are even many different color options, plants featuring gorgeous pink, orange, red, and yellow leaves! Drop us a comment below and tell us if you like plants that are different colors than green.
This super durable houseplant ranks on the top ten list of houseplants that clean the air of harmful toxins. One more reason to buy a couple or ten different varieties. Place these beauties all over your home and feel all the positive effects. Now let’s get into the specifics of how to care for this stunner.
One of the reasons this plant is so special is that it’s one of the few plants with striking foliage that doesn’t require bright, indirect light. The many different green and cream varieties can thrive in low light situations. This makes it the perfect plant for just about anyone!
If you’re interested in some of the gorgeous more colorful Aglaonemas featuring, pink, orange, red, or yellow colors, you’ll need to increase the light. Medium to bright, indirect sunlight will keep these beauties happy. Never place your Chinese Evergreen in direct sunlight. Direct sun will scorch the leaves.
Looking to keep a plant in a windowless room or office space? No need to fret/buy an ugly plastic plant! Simple invest in a grow light and feel the positive effects of live plants all day long!
Chinese Evergreens are proven to be one of the more drought-tolerant plants. If you forget to water yours for a day or two or week… it will be more than forgiving. Strive to water this plant when the top couple inches are dry. I highly recommend getting this moisture meter. I use it with my houseplants so I always know when it’s time to water.
With this plant, less is more. Always better to underwater rather than overwater. It will recover better from a drought than from soggy soil. Overwatering can quickly rot the roots and kill this plant.
Get yourself a quality houseplant soil to use with your Aglaonema.
Normal household humidity or higher humidities are preferred. Add a humidifier to your plant collection to keep your tropical beauties happy.
Fertilizer isn’t necessary to have a beautiful Chinese Evergreen. If desired, use a houseplant fertilizer monthly during the spring and summer when the plant is actively growing.
Chinese Evergreen plants are toxic. Make sure to keep out of reach of pets or children to prevent them from munching on this plant.
Extra Special:
Looking to gain some real attention from the plant community? Try your luck at getting an allusive and spectacular Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor. This rare houseplant will cost you a pretty penny however, it makes up for it with its eye-catching leaf pattern.
Get your Chinese Evergreen here.
Our favorite way to display the Chinese evergreen plant is in a bright white planter. A white planter is a perfect way to display the gorgeous leaf patterns of this plant.
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